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a day in the life at JF&CS

As a multi-service agency, JF&CS offers a wide array of programs and services to Toronto's Jewish and broader communities. While we are predominantly a social service agency, there is so much more that goes into ensuring that our operations run smoothly every day. From IT to volunteer services to finance and everything in between, a day in the life of each of our staff members is unique!

We are proud to share the many programs and services offered by JF&CS that support vulnerable members of the Jewish and broader communities.

Melanie | Social Worker, Domestic Violence

Shalom bayit (peace in the home) is a community responsibility, and workers like Melanie help JF&CS increase safety and security throughout the GTA.

Please watch the video to hear about how JF&CS provides services to women, regardless of their age, ability, socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, family structure and religious affiliation.

Owen | IT Implementation Specialist

Since transitioning to a hybrid work model, JF&CS has seen a digital transformation. Our IT team helps meet the digital demands of the workplace.

Please watch the video to hear about how JF&CS’ IT department supports not only our workers, but also our clients with access to laptops, accessories, and software needed for school and employment.

Eden | Social Worker, Hospice

The Jewish Hospice program provides culturally attuned supports to clients diagnosed with progressive life-limiting illness, those who are at the end of life, their loved ones and family caregivers, and those who have experienced a death loss.

Please watch the video to hear how JF&CS helps clients maintain their dignity and quality of life, and provide family members and caregivers with a community to lean on.

Becky | JF&CS Board Member

JF&CS’ leadership continues to inspire the growth and development of our agency, and we are proud to have so many passionate, insightful and experienced individuals on our Board of Directors. 


Please watch the video to hear what inspires the members of our Board and the incredible contributions they make to improving the lives of the most vulnerable members of our community.

Sharyn | Supervisor, Family Resource Centre

Creating a welcoming hub of support, services, and opportunities for families with Sharyn at the FRC.

Please watch the video to hear more about how the FRC aids in improving the mental health and wellness of our clients in the GTA.

Stav | Social Worker, Holocaust Survivor Services

JF&CS receives funding from The Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany (Claims Conference), UJA Federation and donors in our community in order to provide financial assistance to Holocaust survivors living in the GTA.


Please watch the video to hear about how JF&CS offers increased independence and comfort to Survivors, so they can live the rest of their lives safely and with dignity.

Amanda | Social Worker, Housing

“Reducing the Effects of Poverty” is a key priority area for JF&CS. The objectives of much of our programming focus on the needs faced by people with the lived experience of poverty.


Please watch the video to hear about our Housing and Poverty Reduction programming, and how safe and affordable housing can dramatically improve the lives of our clients.

Gilian | Social Worker, JDD

The JDD is a youth mental health centre that provides services to youth between the ages of 11 and 17 from grades 6-11 who are experiencing psychological, behavioural and/or academic challenges. Counselling services are provided to students and their parents, legal guardians, siblings, and other family members. 


Please watch the video to hear how the JDD has helped hundreds of young people turn around their challenging lives and rejoin the mainstream with newfound competence and skills.

Andrea | Coordinator, Volunteer Services

JF&CS is extremely grateful to all who give their time and expertise to assist our clients in a myriad of ways. Volunteers provide valuable supports to our many programs and services.


Please watch the video to hear about our various volunteering opportunities, including tutoring at the Family Resource Centre Homework Club and our Café Europa program, a social and cultural get-together for Holocaust survivors.

Alyssa | Social Worker, Housing

We are always learning and growing, constantly looking for ways to improve the ways in which we serve our community. JF&CS regularly collects and analyzes data, completes reports, and shares our findings with relevant stakeholders within and outside of our organization.

Please watch the video to hear about how our Research and Evaluation team work collaboratively with departments across the agency to learn about the needs and experiences of both clients and staff.

Zeeva | Past Board Member

The members of our Board of Directors bring a wide range of experience to their work with JF&CS. They draw on their personal and professional life experiences to support decision-making and operations. Each Board Member contributes to at least one of our agency committees.


Please watch the video to hear about how being a Board Member and a member of the Programs, Services, and Outcomes committee is an extremely enriching opportunity.

Zachy | Director of Finance & Corporate Services (Retired)

JF&CS has been supporting the Toronto Jewish community for over 150 years. Throughout the course of our history, the agency has grown exponentially, extending our reach and growing our programs and services.


Please watch the video to hear how adding new departments, improving our processes and remaining dedicated to our agency mission have allowed us to continue helping vulnerable and isolated community members.

Zoe | Communications & Marketing Associate

JF&CS connects clients to crucial programs and services to support vulnerable and isolated people throughout the GTA. So many of our clients share success stories with us, and we love sharing those stories with you! 


Please watch the video to hear how storytelling plays a big part in our agency communications, and how our generous community donors are so instrumental in bringing these client success stories to life.

Rachel | Social Worker, Poverty Reduction & Counselling

JF&CS clients face life’s challenges on a daily basis, and it is so important to us to ensure they do not have to walk this path alone. Donor funding supports many of our Poverty Reduction programs that help these clients live with stability and dignity. 


Please watch the video to hear how our Social Workers aid our community in building up their strength and resilience, and embrace the work that it takes to improve their everyday lives.

Jodi R | Social Worker, Youth and Child In Care

The Pearl Project is a grassroots initiative created to support and serve young people who graduate out of the Child Welfare System or otherwise live on the fringes of society, marginalized by poverty, loss or other circumstances beyond their control.


Please watch the video to hear how JF&CS assists these young people in navigating life outside of care, and fosters a unique sense of community and belonging.

Ilana | Director, Human Resources & Administration

The Human Resources team at JF&CS helps employees behind the scenes to ensure we maintain our agency’s service excellence. With over 30 programs and services, it is important to provide staff with proper onboarding, training, and assistance.


Please watch the video to hear how our HR team reaches every employee across the departments to offer staff flexible daily support, strength, and resiliency.

Janeth | Manager, Accounting

Preparing financial reports for senior management and other stakeholders, developing accounting policies and procedures, and ensuring the occurrence of timely payments to clients are just a few of the responsibilities of the Accounting Manager. 


Please watch the video to hear how our Accounting department provides all JF&CS clients, regardless of program or service, with financial assistance and emergency funding supports like gift cards and food vouchers.


Jewish Family and Child Service

4600 Bathurst St | 1st Floor

Toronto, ON   M2R 3V3


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Jewish Family and Child Service thanks its generous funders:

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