To report child abuse or neglect, please call 416.638.7800 x 6234. Outside of regular business hours, please call our after-hours answering service at 1-800-404-1393 to be redirected to one of our staff. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Homework Club is a support program offered to students in grades 4-12 who require academic support and would benefit from one-on-one homework mentoring with a caring volunteer. The Homework Club meets for one hour per week from October through June and is open to all students free of charge. This service is beneficial to students who are economically disadvantaged, stressed due to family issues or academic challenges.
Homework Club tutors are community volunteers, including retired teachers and high school or post-secondary students. The Homework Club provides a great opportunity for community members to become role models and leaders as they learn communication, leadership, mentorship, conflict resolution, time management and teamwork skills.
Registration opens each fall and goes through until the end of the school year in June. Click here for the Registration Form.
To learn more or to register your child/teen, please contact: 416-638-7800 x 6234. The Homework club is a FREE program.
Interested in volunteering? Review opportunities or contact Andrea Pines, our Volunteer Coordinator, at 416-638-7800 x 6266 or