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Shalom bayit (peace in the home) is a community responsibility.  Abuse is wrong. We can help.  


Call us at 416-638-7800, ext. 6234, to reach our Intake team.  


After hours, please call or text the Assaulted Woman's Helpline: 416-863-0511  |  #SAFE (#7233)


If you feel your safety or the safety of children in your care is at risk, call 911.


The JF&CS Woman Abuse Program provides a spectrum of services to persons experiencing abuse that include:    

  • Support Line (Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 pm, reached by calling our Intake team at 416-638-7800, ext. 6234)

  • Trauma Assessment

  • Individual and group counselling

  • Safety planning

  • Here to Help (for children and their mothers who have been abused)

  • Advocacy and community outreach

  • Education and consultation

  • Referrals to other professionals

  • Priority Housing Support


If we ever hope to end the violence, we must first face the reality that Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) exists in all socio-economic, ethnic, professional and religious groups, including the Jewish community. 

You may be experiencing abuse if you:

  • often give in because you are afraid of your partner’s temper

  • find yourself apologizing for your partner

  • feel isolated and alone

  • find yourself being criticized for daily things such as your cooking, your clothes, your parenting or your appearance

  • are subjected to name-calling or swearing

  • feel intimidated or threatened by your partner

  • have no access to money; finances are controlled by your partner

  • have been forced into sexual behaviour

  • have been kicked, hit, shoved, strangled or had things thrown at you

  • have been threatened with separation from your children if you do not comply

  • are being tracked or monitored through technology or other means


You may be an abuser if you:

  • cannot control your temper

  • blame your partner for making you lose control

  • criticize or put down your partner

  • are possessive or jealous of your partner

  • have difficulty expressing feelings other than anger

  • attempt to control your partner’s behaviour

  • force sexual behaviour on your partner

  • have broken things, thrown things, hit, shoved or kicked your partner when angry


If you are an abused woman, remember:

  • you cannot control or change your partner’s behaviour

  • no one has the right to abuse, control or intimidate you

  • you are not to blame for the abuse

  • you are not alone; woman abuse happens to many women, including Jewish women

  • there is help available - call us.


Click here to view our brochure. 


woman abuse services


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Jewish Family and Child Service

4600 Bathurst St | 1st Floor

Toronto, ON   M2R 3V3




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